
Introducing ‘Get Power, Give Power’

Only 8% of rural Indian villages are fully electrified. In Sub Saharan Africa, almost 600 million people are still without any access to electricity at all.

That means for over a billion people, finding somewhere to charge phones, lights and other electronic devices is still a difficult and sometimes impossible, task.

This lack of power has consequences. It creates disconnected communities, unable to keep in touch with friends and family, or access information online. 

This is why today we’re launching the “Get Power, Give Power” campaign, to raise awareness of the global power problem and to play our part in helping solve it.

Watch the video below to learn more.

At the heart of our campaign is the Buffalito, a smart power bank and multipurpose lamp which will be distributed free to the people who need it most. It will fully charge most smartphones and other devices and act as a lamp for hours. 

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The Buffalito is designed to act as a portable and cost-effective way for millions of people to transport and store electricity. It was created to compliment our solar-powered BuffaloGrid Hub, a solar-powered charging station designed to sit in the centre of a village in a shop or public building, which has already brought power to villages in the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka through trials with Airtel and Vodafone

The “Get Power, Give Power” campaign will help us mass manufacture the Buffalito and disperse even more of them for free across India and Sub Saharan Africa. Support our mission and get your hands on your own Buffalito by clicking here.

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